ESF for Vienna
The European Social Fund (ESF) is the European Union’s most important financial instrument for implementing the employment targets of the Europe 2020 strategy, the EU’s agenda for growth and jobs.
The future at a glance: more opportunities for education and employment
The ESF advocates for a strong labour market. Consequently, it co-funds measures that increase employment and education opportunities for people in Vienna, combat poverty and discrimination, and strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion within the EU.
Each member state is developing an appropriate strategy to meet these targets.
The ESF focuses on:
- promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility
- promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and discrimination
- investing in education and training
Ensuring that work bears fruit: implementation in Austria
The administrative authority for the ESF in Austria is set up in the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection (BMASGK). It ensures that the operational programme “Investments in Growth and Employment Austria 2014-2020 (ESF OP)” is implemented. This programme is designed to support the Europe 2020 strategy and the National Reform Programme and is the central planning document for the entire funding period. It defines the objectives and strategic framework for the use of funds and was approved by the European Commission on 28 November 2014.
Around €442 million of ESF funds are available in Austria from 2014 to 2020; this amount will be doubled by co-funding provided by national partners.
The Ministry has chosen a partially decentralized strategy for implementation of the ESF in Austria: responsibility for ESF funds and functions of the ESF administration has been assigned to the federal regions (Bundesländer).
waff has signed an agreement in principle in which it assumes the role of an “intermediary body” for implementation of the ESF funds made available to the federal region of Vienna.
The agreement in principle defines and regulates which rights and duties must be assumed within the ESF administration and control system.
All relevant key documents, detailed information and forms for the current calls for proposal and calls for tender are available in the sidebar under “Downloads”.
You will find the ESF calls for projects, die ESF calls for tender and further information about the ESF in Austria here.
This measure is funded by the European Social Fund.