Coordination and cooperation
waff plays a vital role in the coordination of activities on the Vienna labour market. This covers the coordination and organization of events in the various districts of Vienna and also includes projects that are of particular importance in supporting employees in Vienna.
Vienna Career and Further Education Weeks
The annual Vienna Career and Further Education Weeks are aimed at both young people and adults; the districts in which they live provide more information about the variety of career and further education events organized throughout Vienna. Some 100 partner organizations have joined forces to develop a programme of events that are focused in one or a number of districts for one week at a time. Anyone interested can quickly and easily find out information, seek advice or attend one of the numerous workshops. All activities and events are free of charge. The full programme of events is available (in German only) at
waff coordinates the Vienna Career and Further Education Weeks and, in partnership with the districts involved, provides residents with information about the events.
The Vienna Career and Further Education Weeks are co-funded by the ESF.
Making progress together! Projects funded by waff
In collaboration with the Vienna Public Employment Service (AMS Wien) and other partners (AMS Wien, Ministry of Social Affairs Service, MA 17, MA 24, MA 40, and Vienna Addiction and Drug Coordination), waff provides funding for important projects. These projects help people working in Vienna to progress in their careers.
Career development funding for employees in Vienna
Support for young people entering the job market provided as part of the Vienna Training Guarantee
International links: CORE project – integration at the heart of Europe
Vienna’s CORE project aims to help refugees settle and start a new life in our city.
Working together. The key to success.
Integration programmes developed by public bodies, organizations and civil society initiatives are linked up. And refugees are actively involved in developing integration programmes.
The CORE project focuses on people and their wide range of skills, making them experts in their own situations. As a result, everyone works together to facilitate integration, with diversity in Vienna becoming a success story.
CORE’s partners
- Municipal Department (MA) 17 – Integration and Diversity
- Vienna Social Fund
- waff (Vienna Employment Promotion Fund)
- Vienna Business Agency
- European Office of the Vienna Board of Education
An idea to enhance cohesion – €6 million for integration
The project is part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Urban Innovative Actions Initiative. The total budget amounts to around €6 million, of which 80% is funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The duration of the project, which was launched in November 2016, is three years.