
  ✖All of the information about the waff offer is in the German section of the website. You can find the most important details in English here.
Please contact us for further information.


The Vienna Employment Promotion Fund (waff) is the City of Vienna’s labour market organization. It helps people working in Vienna to advance in their careers.

Vienna leads the way: promoting complementary labour market policy and continuing vocational training

waff was established in 1995 at the initiative of bodies representing the interests of employees. waff comes under the remit of the Department of Finance, Economics and International Affairs of the City of Vienna and is also largely financed by the municipality of Vienna.

Our mission is to provide people in Vienna with information, advice and financial support for their professional development. In addition, we work in close cooperation with the Vienna Public Employment Service (AMS Wien) to serve as a port of call for job-seekers and companies.

More information about our activities is available under Mission and Vision.

To increase employment opportunities in Vienna, it is essential that all major bodies in the field of labour market, education, integration and economic policy work together effectively. waff plays an important coordinating role here.

The Vienna Qualification Plan provides the strategic basis for effective cooperation. It was drawn up in 2012 on the initiative of Vienna’s economics councillor Renate Brauner in partnership with all key labour market and educational organizations. waff organized and guided this process. The alliance was renewed in 2018. The Vienna Qualification Plan was expanded and extended until 2030. The aim of this jointly developed strategy is to provide better education and training, in particular for people living in Vienna whose highest level of education is compulsory schooling.

A key focus of the Vienna 2020 Qualification Plan is the continuous development of the Vienna Training Guarantee. This is designed to provide even more young people with sound vocational training in order to improve their chances on the job market.