✖All of the information about the waff offer is in the German section of the website. You can find the most important details in English here.
Please contact us for further information.

Jobs PLUS training

Around 1,500 vacancies are waiting to be filled every year: jobs in social work and nursing professions, catering, retail and skilled labour. These are exciting opportunities for which appropriate training is required.

Good training means good prospects

An invaluable aspect of what we offer is that before you start your job, we provide specific training for your future career free of charge. During your training period, you’ll receive financial support from the Vienna Public Employment Service (AMS Wien). After you have completed your training, you can start work immediately.

Consequently, waff enables you to obtain:

  • a job with opportunities for promotion, and
  • completed vocational training.
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Complete your apprenticeship with waff!

Careers at a glance: jobs with training

Nothing catches your eye? waff also offers jobs with training for other occupations.