Careers & further education

  ✖All of the information about the waff offer is in the German section of the website. You can find the most important details in English here.
Please contact us for further information.

Careers & further education

  • Are you interested in continuing vocational training or a change of direction?
  • Are you thinking about a new career?
  • Or are you planning to gain educational qualifications as a mature student?

We provide employees with comprehensive information, professional advice and financial support for their future career.

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Find out more about the further education services offered by waff.

More job opportunities

Good vocational training is important. It is equally important to improve your own skills so that you can do well at work. waff offers targeted support to give everyone the opportunity to enjoy a successful and fulfilling career. We help you to get ahead in your job – providing all the information you need, free personal advice and financial support for your career goals.

At our Careers and Further Education Advisory Centre, we primarily assist people working in Vienna. In addition, anyone who receives minimum income benefits (Mindestsicherung) and is at the same time in marginal employment (geringfügig beschäftigt) can visit waff.

Do you want to gain educational qualifications as a mature student? Get started now!! 

Qualifications are an important prerequisite for career success. Better qualifications mean better job prospects. waff can help you if you want to gain educational qualifications  as a mature student. Simply make an appointment for a free consultation.

Making a successful transition: waff helps you return to work after parental leave

The waff Parental Leave and Returning to Work  programme is for anyone who has questions about taking a career break and returning to work. This can also cover financial support for planned further education courses. The programme is aimed at female and male employees before, during and after parental leave.

For women looking for a new career. waff is here to help!!

FRECH (Frauen ergreifen Chancen – “Women seizing opportunities”) is a programme specifically designed for female employees looking for a change of career. It includes free consultation sessions and interesting workshops. Financial support for further education courses is also available. Just contact us!

Good work: support for new immigrants

If you have recently arrived in Austria, waff will help you take your first professional steps   in Vienna. We have information about work and careers available in your native language. And in the Perspektive advisory centre, you can check whether the education and qualifications you acquired abroad will be recognized in Austria.